[SODAMHWA] Black sesame seed flower dessert • 흑임자 꽃다식

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Available for pickup at
Producenara (농산물나라)
Usually ready in 2-4 days

175 The West Mall
Toronto ON M9C 1C2



The traditional Korean black sesame seed dessert, which is made by carefully placing each seed to be eaten, was a special traditional dessert served at royal banquets.

Nowadays, it is a type of dessert that must be present at wedding receptions, 60th birthday celebrations, and ancestral memorial services.

The black sesame seed flower dessert from Sodamhwa is made by adding honey to black sesame seeds, creating a smooth and nutty taste that is truly exquisite.

The black sesame seed dessert is a high-quality gift for your loved ones.

Sodamhwa's black sesame seed flower dessert is made by adding honey to black sesame seeds and using various fruit and vegetable powders such as sweet pumpkin, sweet potato, royal chrysanthemum, strawberry, and blueberry to create beautiful designs.

Sodamhwa desserts are handmade with care for your family, and they are made without additives, artificial coloring, or preservatives.

한땀 한땀 수놓아 입으로 먹는 동양화

한땀 한땀 수를 놓는 한국의 전통 흑임자 다식은 임금님상에 올라가는 특별한 한과였습니다.

지금은 혼례상, 회갑상, 제사상에 반드시 등장한 한과의 종류입니다.

소담화 흑임자 꽃다식은 흑임자에 꿀을 첨가해서 만든 부드럽고 고소한 맛이 일품입니다.

소중하신 분들에게 흑임자 다식은 고품격 선물이에요.

소담화흑임자 꽃다식은 흑임자에 꿀을 첨가하여 만들며, 단호박가루, 고구마, 백년초, 딸기, 청포가루등 과일과 채소의 분말로 예쁜 수를 놓는답니다.

소담화 다식은 가족을 위한 정성으로 손수 만들어 무첨가물 무인공색소 무방부제 제품입니다.


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