[SODAMHWA] Yakgwa (Honey Cookie) • 약과

리뷰 없음 리뷰 없음
지역별 가능 여부 확인중

Yakgwa is a traditional Korean snack with the name meaning "medicine." It has been a luxurious treat enjoyed by kings and nobles for centuries. Made by mixing organic wheat flour and glutinous rice, the dough is deep-fried in oil to create a donut. It is then soaked in a syrup made from rice, cinnamon, and ginger, and left to mature for three days to achieve its special moist and sweet texture. As a result, Yakgwa is a delicious traditional Korean snack often enjoyed during special events and holidays.

1. Yakgwa can be stored at room temperature for 3 days or in the refrigerator for a week. If kept for a longer period before consumption, it is recommended to freeze and thaw naturally before eating.

2. For a tastier experience, heat it in the microwave for 20 seconds or lightly fry it in a pan. It is even more delicious when enjoyed with Americano, milk, or alongside vanilla ice cream or yogurt.

All products from Sodamhwa are crafted with the healthy tools, Saladmaster and NutraEase, and strive to use Korean ingredients whenever possible. None of Sodamhwa"s products contain any additives or preservatives.

약과보관 및 먹는방법

1.약과는 상온3일, 냉장 일주일이며, 그 이상 보관했다가 드실꺼면 냉동보관해 두셨다가 드실때 꺼내서 자연해동 해서 드시면 되세요.

2.맛있게 드시고 싶으시면, 전자렌지20초, 아니면 후라이펜에 살짝 구워 드시면 더욱 맛있습니다.

3.아메리카노나 우유랑 드시거나, 바닐라 아이스크림이나 요거트와 함께 드시면 더욱 맛있습니다.​


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